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Game Play Tutorial

On the Game Page you will see a pull down list of nations that are available. On this list is also a spot called "Observer". You may sign up to a game as an Observer as a means to be able to look at that game's maps and to recieve global e-mails (e-mails sent to everyone subscribed to that game). Signing on as an Observer is how you can check out a currently ongoing game to see what the state of the particular nations that are available for play. Some nations may be just as they were at the start of play and not have been attacked. Others might even have been played and had their empire expanded upon before a player got too busy to keep up with game play and dropped the position. And then there are the mercy positions. Nations that got beat up on and are now in a position where it will take a truly masterful player to save it from conquest and begin to expand the empire again.

If you are signing up to a newly forming game you can take a look at the Starting Game Map to see each nations' starting territories and troops. You can also click on the red Nation Histories button above to go read a detailed page on each nation. The Nation History pages provide a map marking the location of each nation, its starting troops, capital territory, starting resources and a basic overview of its history.

Once you have chosen a nation you would like to play, merely come back to the Game Page as shown on the image below, then use the pull down menu to select the nation you want, then press "Submit".

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